lundi 14 juin 2010

New version

Vola une petite news apres un petit moment d'absence (etude obliges).
Tout d'abord refonte d' IsoEditor et integration de ce meme outil dans IsoEngine.
Ensuite, au lieu de continuer dans l'elaboration de little war sense etre la vitrine du moteur j'ai prefere revenir sur mes pas et perfectionner IsoEngine. Un gros travail de fond a ete realise mais plutot qu'en parler je vous laisse essayer le resultat.
- IsoEditor:
- IsoEngine:
Et pour telecharger les sources completes ou

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi, I downloaded

    Would you explain how to setup a simple world?

    Like load tiles and put an hero?

    Just the demo source code would be fine :D

  2. Hi, antonello sorry to answer that late.
    Normally your world should be define by a map. This map is stored as an xml file in the folder XML of the sources that you surely unzipped. Each tile of the map is coded in order to say if the tile is walkable and define the graphic frame and graphic set. The graphic loaded will be the one in texture/tile
    I hope it will help to start I am going to make really soon a full documentation. You can ask me more question on my mail
